Classical Curriculum
Our leadership and teachers have developed a curriculum that works with student's natural development, while also encouraging exploration and virtue. In our teaching materials we hope to develop wonder at the beauty and goodness of creation, wisdom as students find their place in God's created order, and worship for a God who is Lord of all, ruling in love and holiness.
Our daily classroom routines, prayers, and Scripture reading highlight God’s Word. All WCA students participate in the study of our “virtue of the month” with their class, which includes Scripture memorization. These virtues are incorporated into read aloud books in the classroom, school-wide chapel, and classroom management. Biblical events are integrated into the history curriculum 2nd and 3rd grade, and students begin studying the Bible inductively in the logic phase.

Click on a subject to learn more about our approach to the subject material:
Bible | Mathematics | Science | History | Language Arts | Latin | Geography | Art
At WCA, math is not learned only for practical application, but because it is a language created by God that reflects His beauty and order. We mainly utilize Saxon Math here at WCA. The program takes a spiral approach to teaching, and we have found it to be a great way for the classroom and home to work together. Students have nightly math homework and complete an extra lesson over each weekend with the help of the parent. We focus on fact fluency and mastery (memorization) at the grammar level.

Can a person be both a Bible believer and a scientific thinker? Absolutely! We believe quality science instruction should inculcate and invigorate a sense of wonder. Students’ minds are renewed and uplifted when the nature and complexity of God’s world is made apparent to them. Students use the scientific method to structure their curiosity, and hands-on experiments teach and enforce lessons.
Students need to go beyond dry memorization of historical facts in order to grasp the real consequences of our past and the lessons that can be learned from them. We approach history from a decidedly Christian perspective, incorporating biblical events and emphasizing God’s providence. We utilize Veritas Press’ linear approach to history, beginning with second graders learning Creation and Ancient Egypt. The curriculum continues through sixth grade and brings students to modern day events. In fifth grade students begin a focus on American history and seventh and eighth grade focus on modern history, civics, and government. In the logic phase, we emphasize a use of primary sources. Books are read across all grades that connect to historical events being learned.
Language Arts
With a foundational belief that God speaks and Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh, there is an emphasis on mastering the skills in language arts. This includes writing, literature, grammar/vocabulary, and in the younger grades, reading and handwriting skills.
Writing Our small class size allows for more writing projects; our teachers and parents work together to help students refine their writing skills. Beginning in second grade we use IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing). Structure and style, fiction, non-fiction, real-world writing and poetry of all types are covered in a grade-appropriate manner, and both summary and critical analysis skills are emphasized as writing matures.
Literature You will always find students engaging in literature if you visit WCA! Our youngest students learn to read in small groups with the phonics based program, “All About Reading.” In second grade we begin daily time in “book clubs,” where students read quality literature together and are taught comprehension skills. By fifth grade students are introduced to Socratic discussion and formal essay writing in response to what they have read.
Grammar Our rigorous and consistent grammar curriculum builds on the fundamentals progressively each year. By identifying and utilizing grammatical structures, students improve their writing, allow for more insightful editing and criticism of written work, and provide amazing preparation for standardized testing.
Vocabulary We work to build vocabulary through the books we read, stories we write, and connections we make in our study of Latin. This allows students to continually expand their word base. Our writing program includes a vocabulary element and we begin use of “Wordly Wise” in fifth grade for weekly engagement and practice with higher level vocabulary exercises.


We begin Latin instruction in second grade and continue it through eighth grade. We believe learning Latin has educational merit as it develops the skills of solving linguistic puzzles. This helps students grow into thoughtful readers, mindful of structure and nuance. Many scholars also believe it hones the mental faculties, cultivating careful analysis and attention.
WCA students begin formal geography in second grade with the use of Legends and Leagues curriculum. Over the course of four years the world map is divided into its four hemispheres, and each hemisphere is thoroughly covered each year with respect to countries, capitals, peoples, and landmarks. At the completion of Legends and Leagues, students spend one year focused on civics, government, culture, and economics.

The heart of classical education is the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty, and we love to make art an important part of this experience at WCA. Our youngest students have art lessons throughout the year that focus on the grammar of art through study of colors, shapes, lines, and space as they create different projects. Our older students continue this study by completing works of art that connect to content they are learning in other parts of the curriculum.