Extracurricular Enrichment
WCA's University Model directs the time in school to core academic subjects. However, our community wants to provide opportunities for our students to grow beyond the classroom.
Performing Arts
All students are invited to be in the WCA Choir or the accompaniment band; the choir mainly performs worship music. Rehearsals are after school on Tuesdays with two performances each year. There is also a spring musical for the logic school students.
Physical Education
In partnership with the Sewickley Valley YMCA, there is a gym class offered on Mondays throughout the school year. Many families also work with their school district to participate in their public school's sports teams.​
Extracurricular Activities / Classes
Parents of Watermark coordinate different after-school courses that are grade-level specific. Each grade is offered three different courses throughout the year that each run for 5-6 weeks. Courses in the past have included Cooking/Baking, PA Wildlife, Computer Applications/Coding, Woodworking, and Music.
Friday Field Trips
With the University Model, Fridays are home education days. Parents have coordinated trips on Fridays to various educational experiences around Pittsburgh, including visits to the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium, Carnegie Science Center, Fern Hollow Nature Center, Spring House Dairy Farm, and other unique places.